I arrived in Prague 4 days ago and I intend to leave tomorrow morning. I had time to see quite a bit to choose the time.
To get here, I struggled like a mad I two well admit it. In addition to wind, I had rain all day. That’s why after 30 km of suffering, I hitchhike where I managed to come across someone in a truck who advanced me a pack of kilometers.
After 1 hour to stay with him, where I am accompanied for your leisure, he left me to listen 10 kilometers from Prague and 20 kilometers from destination.
Being super in advance, because I had an appointment at 7:30 pm at my CouchSurfer, I landed warm in a MacDonald’s waiting for the rain to stop. After 2 hours and two burgers, I am repaired at my host with whom I will stay for five days.
Result of the day: 60 km
During my visit to Prague, I think I saw a great majority of places to see, such as the Clock, Charles Bridge, Petrin, the Sex Machines Museum, the Beer Museum and so on. Took the opportunity to finish my latest video editing, which await a better wifi to be uploaded. I also received a small package from France, containing my new SIM Free, plus also my speaker!
Tomorrow I take the road (normally) to Vienna, where I have four days to get there, then to Bratislava.